wwfri ir rr -j. ill TTI is, JAL CARDS. diiily; Jtiunj UP. Ta I' LL' Garrettsoi 1 jr rv -i'-7 fH? Centra. rNS.
lidii i raveiar tiiiE tABi-R KKec Ki c. r. a H-n: oivtrt iK I Leavil tor, fiter.ama Pai Hengflr Hflda.m. Wfi-bt Arrive iioin V)uiu imnaJ una. Pa linenifer 8:1 m.
w. i. a taMijs ,1 STj i No, o.lyrtlnaM p. i m. No.
8Ct iwrtr. No. 4: TO p. No. No.
rt. 11 lt. m. 1 -1 1 1 10:60 iujift. ooj.0a m.
1 1 "part '--The fat oflicej on thel first 01 tne new yearl 1 I 1 fiseaaes Wnata. 3wa, ipaiKeitioa. Uoatlig, (general debll ui.i'KKsmnv 1 at Tr.c.T,r, trnbliaid Mndred I affec si i ft is nlot wie to sav i vervthinet von know, nut how can sol tne neonle 1 1 iw cit: help itJ if tl ft wa 1 v. Afiy tmns- at; ail. was Mr.
Enierswm ivhh iV. 1... wcattu nsr and i it was a wiser rhan thel mriin r. narJr. i.k "iw nam luai me mnrni in ttn fa The System, likd the elicit, runs down.
it, needs, winding up. blood gets POor and scores bf uscm aiuiim to enrxen, itJ 1 i i mvci djiin aoctor, alter years oj patient study, Klwcovered a medicine which puriiied the-blood, gave, a tone to the systi and biade men- tijred, ntervous, brain-wasting men-feel likfl newL 1 To ralbwl en Medifcal Duk overy.1' it has been sOld for years, )ld by the! piillions of bottles, and peo 5le fot'ind such satiM faction in it Dr.i Fleece, who disi covered it, -A nov feels wiirra ntfliii in rs "ne'er a positive, guarantee 01 its ooing gooo, tn all; cases. ti Vour's wouldn't be the first can, nf scrofoM' otiiSatt rheurit, skin disease, or iung GiseaseJ it has cured tvhm notmna eis would. Xde trial's Worth making, and costs nothing. Money I 'J v.
11 Aianw mem i ohve this b-randphur; tbelr IHes to tHeir tremendoul dim- enmes J-spurgeon. I l)o1 KjjperieneJt Cbuott in: every line bf busineSB-a1 nd lly in cbmpouJidsng; and pre- medicines. This is illustrated the eat superiority df Hood's Sar- Sapiril a over other breoarations. fas shown: the remarkable Ces it has accOmi lisned. n'i 4 I il -I eadof tbe firm of Ci L.
Hood HThe i Co. is thoronahlv COmnetent and e- ed pharmacist, bavins-1 de- yotea is Whold liffctOtiy iaturhr kctual preparations i He Is also membdr of the MajiSaChusejtts and American Asurv. Ciattors, and- actively de-Voted 10 supervising tjhe preparation pf ahd managin the bus! iess connect- jd witl Hoods Barsap4iriilai. i i Hence the suheriontv and necnliar merit Of Hoodt SarsapaHllai is buUt Mpott the roost, substantial foundations. In its preparation there is represented all the kdowledire 'which mooerp research medical science has developed, tombin teith long penence, experi ment.
'Jt ouiy nectesfiarv to Bive this medicine ai fair trial to. realize 4tS great curatire rvalue, I 1 Tf PaiUaforSte. a 1 1 1 If ydu want tb buy gons Having bought a larnie stock ffOpds! belofe the i A. coming-out cian who quits "Htoe esiei; parinc i i 1 1. i arm can ana see; us i titub jackson.
il 3 iglit tit iUA'l iS I FlMir.illV lB'Ml SI AhN.SAtNluMHd rarjjfe.ip j.Vjh-Jr 4jilvra Itellef at on it. I i i eseiot high i I i 1 1-' i All naxsenrer lralriH llvl except number 7' and 8, which! ran bi wt-eti ami TvaMiinirion. add I'jae limited eHtiiiuie trains nt-twer hit ago aiid Iienter via Kanxaa city and ftl ty An DtilO I STHKDUUt 0 Wll TT" (BHANc Arrlt ,11,, A n-lvi, MuiH'aUrtc Miwatlne i1 -in a. tti p. jr.iaTmd oTisa.
nt. pu m. in. Is: Mi a. m.
it. x. a r. Wf WAvkwuJrOsi tea It I OolH el West No; No Noi No owO 4 taaa.i.ll:t3 th.b. i pasa, p.
m. Ski a. in. IS frt-. i m.
sea 1. im S.iWD.m iff unci a. in. Not Not 1X1, Nci OSTMM nitCH WMMMMfKM RqMj HI0T or HUM MAP TM Eocludine UttAS Bnt and Weat of tti Wfcwonrir Biyer. TbDlrc Root a anti fromjCHIC AOO.
BOOK ISIatKD. iAVENyOH3. DES MOINrs! ooTOcn. BiArrm wiraBrrowtK. siotii PArxjs, amorai Aoursj bt.
joa- KPH. ATCHtaOW. IKAVKKWDRlf KATfSAl i Ciry, TOPEKA, DMVEJ, COt-OBAfcO UfNOI an PT7BBIXX i Ifree Cbnlrbnra to anf' firotn CHIOAQQ. OAXDWKJUaI HUtCCBINBOtt and DO DOB Crrri and Palaca Sleeriir Our twaoa CIiICAOO.WXoat1lL andt li CiiliJ flOK. SOLID VESTI3ULE EXPRESS TRAIfiS Throuab Bli)rJ Pre Sactlnlna ur Oara and (Kautt of Uo.
Suerl tllnliur Onr. 1 daily batwmm OHIOAOO, iDSS teOrNKa. i KAis-jfi ana omaha, twttnt fceb Bocii Onair Oaf to NOJftTKiPlLATTK and ClOOAOO and BEKVK. COLOHAIK OS and PUKKLO. viaiStj Joaech.
or Kaivi CltT and Tonka. BSlaadlA tllbtna iBotala at of St. Joaepbiand Kansas City. Kxcurslans witn onoio nonces ip-anp rrom emit Portland. Jjam San FraDcisoa.
Tbs IbactX4na to and framlPika'h peak Garden of th' Ooda, tha Banitarluma, aar Bteania Oraodaara af OolorM I 1 1 I i Tho Alberd fcW Boiid Xbrprasa Traln OsUy bctWMH Chicnite and atinasapoiia aaa bu -fouij wim THROuaa cllbtna- Chair Can (KE to and I Srow thosa points and Kansas City. Taronph Ctair Oar and Bipor oevween aorta, apunt ana Hiaua Palla Tia Boon Inland, (Tbe Tarorlto Una ta town. Sioux Vails, t9 8wmeBeort and Hisum and Pteoi4 Croolnda df tha Morthwaau fhs Snort Xdns vinBatek kai Kactkakcts offsta SMiutlM to travel tancna tram 4 Ml clttnaU and otbar noutaorn points. or Tickets. Kan.
FDdir8j aiideali Uon. apply at any coupoa xicaca ui E18T.JOHNJ 1 JOHN Wonderfal isesnlah licmrfy. ourw all Mtr. nwa iitawasm, neh sa Weakl Memory. ttm of Rraial Puwrr.
Hnadat'hn, Wukeiulneaa. Uat Man I hKl, I ervuiiMav t4 altiulfl. Lw. i mw t4MSBr VH tltaO. Buna in either I WWW tiaerHMil routlilul iwtcscrctlons.
or lias its nan of ttihiKivi. rnlimiii uriMlniulanta ahirb tilt ImatPly lead to UnrailtT. VonMuntitlon ana lannitr. 1 Put an In coarPBtetit fonn carry la the tn Docket. ell inartM.
hvkiMramiliii arf rrea. til la pfr. Adareaa V. Aseuta mt i warbom Cakooo.111, 'ATI a IA wiw.oni m. m.
flat sr. In, lS, tatbrmsr i nca. or aourass a SI I I -i'vTrT; i il I poftf. I 'v plodna i biara if i i t'i inlnllmont i''J or7 flWrill nZ sli I i fadliUea' i jh-y- vt Mr lis nd 2 epartmesta 8 AA' for i I. -0.
1 ehil lewrpapor: -l- and BSiT A' WvTeaT i I I oer NfeWSPlper i aerySS iwantyfiva aj1 JTT i t-'' If- Advertising tavs i I 1 orJi 5 .1 I0.Xw'"! wi 1 in I leoptpped ii newapapor I Wnoe, jf 4 adverUaln far I-, i whn i omprehenalTa mnt Cf tho, mmvenlent 'j for system I -Ynrll i tb j1 MIUlA. money. i I i 1 1 1 i 1 pECLINlNC MANHOOD Lm Aiaa. I Hm.mI htf thai mm fS. i I tVunderralKesulah.Ji va (Successor tfMiH-4itin National Bank.) jfcrcign Eictlnge BobgLt acl Sold.
MUSCATINE, IOW1A. First National mm iowuv MUSCATINE 8, STM5, President Mooeiti VU-e JreHldeH Ti Orown, Cashier. hi WRucroBs K. M. Hurnett, Charle, Page, D.
r. Ricbman, 8. t. slein.i it. w.
Moore J. ugBrty, Tho. fg. Brown, Foreign KxrhMjiire BoiusSt fut Soldi i(In First National Poor wr rent Intrriii ald nn Avtmalt Honey loaned on real estate and uersonal He uuuij, uiawauurs, a a. 109 p.m.
J. B. If1ahlr-. 'ifj. w.
iy His. rige. d. M. K.
Burnett, li. er XDd it Banking and vi-! porner Iowa Avenue and Second Street. 4 EAUM il Appeal to the Highest Mnnical Taste, and not ExceUed by Any Instrument now before th PsbUc Among the, numerous schools and institutes ih whic the Bauer llano have been lntro- duce dnced, we mention the followlna: iter8 arademy. St. John's BchotiJ.
BL XT- BtJ EUaa eth's School. Mt. Carmel Academy, Mnaley School, Humboldt. School. Webster School, Katlonal Conservatory of Muic, C'hicif JULIUS BAUfclt Manufacturers," 1 156-1B8 Ave ESTABLISHED, lfifiTj yc Bauer Pianos sold in Milscatine by E.
Coe. I' -1 of -t nd kimie only. pm are Mtisoatitio. time Savings RecluGed ill ii'- iv I I i. i i I- I I i 111 I irvi I i i i i 1 fei 'i i 'h 1 a s-1.
it vr- I I I -lr ii i 1 i f- I mm m. 7 i 3 i I I -1 I clearcomplexioii 1 liquor SJI-4Iow Jry hlttlt and Iter (liaUoo Falla to rtoXate. Syracuse Jourial. One of thelargeRt liquor, cis-s ever liearu in the' courtH or en has Just beencomileted in VVinso county. Jmlge Thompson, of the hujireme presiding'.
The indent, Geo i Kiblincf. of Norwich, Vt. was enffajred In the. liquor trade fat Ilan- over. N.
until 1 he wasi out bv the Dartmouth coliede over- seers. He then opened Liquor hop in on i tie Ver mont shore of 'the Cimnectidut rirer at the end of it he bridge connecting- him the Dartmouth students! patron- afre. JThe collese overeeef did not propose to be beaten by thit Yankee trie and they jpioyed iipOn Kiblingr and his rum shop 'so vijrorou iy that in theitrial that has just clof eaVover on thousand! offense were proven. The jury, however, jcomprot nted on J5 KlbUng waa fltii 8.00(l It Is perfectly safe to Itbit if this ing had occtirred jin Ott county Kiblinif wouldjhaTire in all bability off with conviction on Ion sale at themostand terv UKeiy g-one scott free. But ihen this! i a Ugh licenSe.Btate nd the i obt Yankees in the Green Mountains itve pro MbitionXi In i fact they dpi't eeem to keow any better, and we suefe-est Boggen and Webster be sent out tMre to give in their datknes.
bnd that jtehile they are At it they litakfe alobgla! lull ie of Bees for 1890 and possibly a 1 ew pack ages of the Gail; containing the con- test'evidence, ltd help them okit in this hoi yi misfelon, f.K If i Png jartOj Is sometimes I sritned tltlti a sU'k tnsu's cravlntt for some I Dsrilculsr ar tlcle of food ousht to be! UkSS I sunt cent evidence that needs It. ami will be benefitted Hi but thosilwho have had eiDerience in elcklrobin will slow to attribate surthtiitd like In- fallibltlty to Invalids' whltha. Constance Cary llarrlsoti "Battles and i Leadsrs Of the Civil Var.M eav tnat many wounded aud sic soldiers wr brought Into Rlcbtm nd, whers everything; possible was dons for tbetr ner mutuer, urgau pon una puuoion a gaunt and soft-voiced Caro inlanfroal Ui Mplny woods I district," ja delicate trifle which hal been sentllq from some nelffhbortns kltcnSn. I i i i'Jef aajivon Psjy, old iaSf the weary i' HI aint jMcentradletin you. It tnust bel good for mej but mjrJ stomlck's i kinder sot agio It, Tbere ain't but ens tblig I'm sortier yarnln't arter; anf i tbat dish greens an1 bacon fat, with a lew jolartese poured onto lt.r' I 1 Whtt'a Go tha Batt4at, 'Jlges-IIals' sn i mv iifcoliar bat- lHv iMrs.
JlgRg-No: If vou'd jfpep yonr Jtga-V hat's tl matter with baby? Sbe looks awful se whvj-Hred the face thunderJit here that collar? Mrs. Jlgg--Ba doctor! fty's sIckHrutt for a wli t1 WltHiut 1 i mv Ira Jlggs ulck Call I the cook! i Cry firs- jrder.f Jtggs Hettcr? Wra Jlsgsi-H a flttliat's alV; JlgRS-VVhr-wMre? Ullar-I Wra. JlgKs Her your button. itabyiTOttiid it InrL Attorney iln breach of promise suit) see 1 if It wassd dark, I could her kiss could ton? Witness Ko. -j Attorney (trlujhphanUy)H-Whv, then.
are yoni ipositivsl that him? Wltaess Becauao It ttm ma. fc'A lu Hia. I I hsidld Itisi was too dark Attorney what actual knowledge of your wn, sir, can ydrfstato that sbe kissed Him? Vi: Vltness -'rom ay knowledge of ths I 1 ha- Bala Oog-ht Apply. IVoung Motbef-f What 'oachi: ths oaoy jjooa na. ur.
unargsm? Doctor jNothlng but tbs milk from Young WoMierr-Aud I believe you saia the mother ougnt to take four or nve. rresft eats every day? n-t doctor es. i -Ysun Mother Wall, doctor, shaald taey- oe eggs irrom oue.nen? 4 tlit Wblffers See Bl iff erst feral. Irl was to will do 1 tota mo the way to win a sirl aevote my teir, toner otter. Ullfterj-rii sst sir roe, that vverr i i i I Whlffers Huh! I wan tad iaT Wia Miss BeaU and; I took yr advice.
and devoiied mysslf to Mrs, ilea utl. and no the Old 1Mf who Is widow, want's to jmarry mi nt's to jioarry ma herself. H(; 'V, Bmalf too Sick 10 ta MMI'iinn 11s qowa arid I'll tend tun i)B qown ana 111 send nu He' 1 hbnieopatlLrA ij 4or noctor, jSmall Hoy Mm-Na ball send foe lri Castor, tire allopath. r- joroait xioy-t iever 1 Mama; fel better. mr books? I WbT Col Away.
iMrs O'OeoffUcfcan mattar Wld yure goati Mrs. Ronrke? Burs th. poor.oist noipe looKin wiin. Mrs. KoiirKe-tr- is.
sorra's the di tawaiiyiu ooina ar. ADti-jtat. an tuln tumbled into an sxcavavUo-n 1.1 Ksocked the cork- obt av It! tiure, he's prninK away to a sKiuyion: 1 rr.v'J 1 MlrUha Without (Hra r. xiHivvau-itiaris nat's th trouble now, M4 Mary Sure aa therms' -Usrn we I do thfubbic enough, Mem. be wit company for Uy, anf nary a In! the house," bit brea vi iMrs.
Kouvcau-Mahe-t-Oti mlnit at trjft 4jkkV -1 1 wen, nevot MWnv ij uuoiw or tpe cure 01 tne lnnammation and congestion fJalJjed "a told in the head" there Is potency in Ely's iram 4d.iiu Lfid.11 ug anycning eise it -possiDie toprescnoe. aw prep- uiaiiou aa- jorypars rp part oeen making a brilliant -success las rem edy for a cold, in the head catarrh and reverL-t-usedr im the initial stages of these scbmnlairits Cream Balm prevents nyjiserlcni development of the; symptoms, while almost numberless Cases -lareH; on record 1 of radical cure of chronic catarrh, after other modes of treatment have, laxieo. 1 lits in i Of she I the and. are Dab ia fin 11 of Hditat Erut- Jad2- Iwti im. it-.
of Pr Joiirj Cwee traosjatof of tba Hditai Hi-leth of Mnie. de archmDesai trai-Dirth of wailam Amerieaa jjfnf ierai; men i.a, i 17-leath of Kdmnml Hatley apitrooawr; born 685-3. t75.i-Peath of Pr. Gorra Betkelev bis bop of lrMApeilufmre treaty kf peai slirned at I'aria "1'. yiH-inj ll4tti a.
1. Mep-. 3, l'ftl; rjtlnei'l by eotero. I lSSjAttempted aiaMuatioo of tbiw 'Emnero iouia Napoleon by Qrxiai ahd others by th ipnaionw innravueust tiro persona killed. ny wuum, i i Conveotioa refqWutini; i Alabama -eljiim gue or mw Uiarndoi anj air.
RcrenlT 'obnaoo: afterward; i refeotlMl tha United i tatea. Il ISSfrCbarlca Pelmoniiio. of Kew York, found (dead in a rartne near Oralifra. 8rd 4S i i yar i i ,11 18f Benin ofOtn. AJto a Uadenrood at Boa- ou; born 182r i DeafneM Can't Carml r.
Jocal applications, i they can not aH, There is -one! way to cure defafnessi an4 thaIs by constltutloipal remedies, i Deafness is caused by an iphamed conditioiiof the mucous Hn-intrf of tbei Eusiatihian tube. When tliis tube gets inflamed yoii have a mbllhff Bound 01 ilmpdrf ect hearing, afirt whjp.n It 1 Pntlrelvl dnrtprl dpaf. nes is the resultj and unlejs the; in- Sfmmation can belt.aT nout and this tiibe restored to its nOr nal condition, will be jderti oved forever: ntnle cases out of ten iare claused i by catarrh, which isjnotbi sg but ''an1 in-flamed condition Of the mubous, sur- t(, vfeii Wewill give One HdndredJDollars tar any ase ot catarrh)) that we circulars iree- I i 1 ntrmvTW jflldbyidrngyri Are tou disturbed it nirUt and brokeh our rest br a elck child aufferink ami a 01 cry as aith Tiainof cuttiatui tedth? If ao.loend at dnoe and get a bottlijl of Mrs.f Wlnslow'H Soothinir Svruo fori children uaren teeming iw Value ii articulable. I lit will relietve the poor aitueaonerer ttnmeaiaoai aiotbera. there is no ml ijureav dysentery, dfatrhota retulatea tTie stomajcb and bowel a burea wind colic, Softens the eafflH, reducsK tatiamhiatioa and Rives Done and, enerfrirto te whole nvxtem.
Wiftslow'a Sooftfina 8vmn for ctitydren teeth- big Is pleasantixo th; tart Sdiptfon of oifeof th3 oldest and ana ine uref best female ursea and hVlclan in tne United States, nd is for lerby irud-alBts throughout (he world. Price S6 is a bottW. i riiw po li Good two-story house and! full lot for i '-1 if ivjivww1 i4Ta For 2W0fJ. if-or. 200i0p.
IFot; $200,00. W2O0j00. For t200.bo.l pry cnoice. tifvk -i 1 ..3 A New Vol. AC.
of Airii beb gins its one Hundred and elgntyelgptn voiume. inis stanuara weeKiy mag- aiiane grows! more essential every year to reader Who Mfeh to keep abreast Wth the best cufreit world In litera- lire land science. tne nrst number or the new rear has the following table of dontents: iavblsierJ Conlett ipt rary Review? Garcia, by V. orris, Murry's Magazine; Ffrovnciai France, Quar terly iievie ueorge lynot and ner Neighborhood. Gentleman's Map- iiKine: "ii-V- My fi Setoiid tt'emple Bar.iiChateiu Malbrouk.
Na- lonal Keview; I'ble QninibuS, Speaker. ogether with choide poetry and mis- eiianv. This, thie mrst weeklv: num i 1 I i er ot the new voiufnet is a I good lone With which to begin a subscription E'or flfty-to( nim jerk of sixty-fcur arge pages eacrf to t. more than ages a year)! the 1 ubjscrlpi.lonj price is low; wmiejior io.ooi the puo- isners oner to senai ahy one 01 the American t4.00 rnpii tbi ies or weeklies With the Livirtg-iygi; f. ira year, both postpaid.
MJtteil4t 'Boston, i are ne publishers. -J A Orel Railway The Chicago, i Paul Railway Compai now operates over sixty -one hundre iMles bf thoroughly. eauirrPed road Illinois, Wisconsin. Northern Michigl nt Mjinnesota, Iowa, Missouri, South nd porta Dakota apr its lines are ex Each recurring ended in all direccions to meet the. hecessltles of thd rkpidly populating sections of couiisryj vfest, northwest and Bouthwest of Iciic igo, and to fur- pish a market hi the.
products ot he greatest dgrlcultuiralj and districts I ofl the itock raising borld. In IUin it operates three hundred and seventeierj miles of ItrackJ Wisconsin miles: in Northern I i I i Michigan 90 mile; A Bowi MInne.Hota l.alh miles-J In I Smith uaicota miies: in ss orta if aitotaf 118 miles; in Misstaiki .40 mile and he end is not yefc tt has terminal such arge cities as Chicago, Mil fraukeej La Crosaie, StJ Padl, Minne ipolis, Fargo, Hldui: rCitj, Counci Bluffs, Omaha arid Kansas Citvl an St; Joseph, alf ng its lines ar mndrdsof largejaid snnal thrvinj and ills Manufac arfrjintercsts'are en tiva'l ed and ai branches of traded encouragement 1 xne rainway compaaiy nas a Justf ap preciation oz tne jraiue or its patrons, its magnificent earnings are! thf esun or tne gooa, uuainess tact wnicn haracterizes the anpgenient nt of i its i A. i The popularity of tihe line is at-l ested jby the fact hat the strongest pd of competition Old and new 1 esi the- Chicago, i lilwavkee aui lean way i cons; inues to carry the greater proportion all the business i between Chica go lilwaukee, St. Pjidllahd Mlnneaptilis. Is the best patronized route ween Chicago, Cbilricil Bluffs and I maho and to and From all points in isconsln, Minnesota, and owa.
and its Kansas citt and st Joseph lice has taken equal rank with older lines leading to and from the i i I- On all its through' lines to1 travel Chicago, I Milwaukee Paul Itailway runs the Nnost perfectly auintved trains Ot 'Is. parlor dining cars and 4 1 xne trough" trains on a a '1 1 ak ait: Its line arc snutematicallv heakedJby steam; No eiiort ts sparea xo furnish the best acj dommodations fori the leairt money. in patrons of the road sure of courteous treatment from employes. leainess icBtusettj; by pan nbt curet by tak- Si Botli tbe meliod kni asulta tliien Syrup is it ia pleaaat and to the; taste, and; Ma gebtl.yet pre mptlf oriithe KiJiieyi, LiTer and cleinaea the teva tern eflectiuUlj', idihjelsicoIJst hiad-J acbes and lexers tiqdjciires habitual constipation! Syrup i Fig is he oojlyk rettaedJ of it kidt ever totl)e ti ate and; acceptable tot if ie lEtomacli, prompt in its action, adj trnlr bcpficial inl it prepai edioxilf i from the most hailthy ana jf 5reeabi0 Hitbetances, its any exeellet qu ilitica it tj alii and jhkve nadej It the w'ost papular remedy knbwij.1 Syrtip of it for eale ia a id bottles, by all Jleadin dtug-gietau Any reuaole (Jtruggist vho mkyj mot bare itl ion! band will pro- vuiti 141." uivuiMur ivir oui vuv nuv wishe to tnr it. I)o not accept any 1 Hi! It CALIFORNIA FIG mUP, CO.
toiimttie, kk -1 ht rowr. GUiixBiiliailsel'ii keMUJenceifand Pullc HuililingM wanned try ii.i C5o rroa fiMrclo ion Walnut St 'Telebhon'6 121 1 row $3 SHOE ffiSSSs i nt-d, pa sfjunped oa bottom. AddreM I i V. I HQ I ULAtNitukton 9Um, MUD by A Planters Experience. Bfy plaaliwCIo taia malarial t-Criet.
liero fever ud axrae iieeval ld I amipioy lau narMtM af tbem wv4 i-kJ reqaoallT I I was narly van tb ar(wi when 1 began a Thii wMdlt kfiUi narvelIkAm.t Iff bwn atrnnK bu4 henrty. ana I hay tiadnornrthnr tronbl WitlM tlvaaa pill. I would a a 4 foar to lir im ajty Swamp." K- UI4JL, llayoa SaiTa. HaYort CARTERS niTTLE IVER puts. fcltik Beadabe and tel all tha tnmtilw to dant to anpas ataU i ine jwinsaf supn aa -atnaas.
Dtetraw aftav Vimaemt, a jaK, pi catinit. Palatfi tba fiii to. Whlla thatftaos psiswtkabto sootMM hM WWH 1M VUMHfl 9taAiUt tp Vrti IJtfla LhM1 vmd aM watiaff mil aaBoyuwofyrmwi twain uoy eomatalldiaorOenor airaraod reealcta ttu) Umax amy )aaer from thi ditpealtig eoaipUlnS: Imtfarta. tateiy taeirKooanea aoa notena omiiw uuwa Whoooca try taam will Bhd thcaa 11 ttie jlUaYal'l- abto itt aomaoy way ttuL thy will not be wll-jiagtedowiUiOttttitam. JBotaftoraaatdihti 1 1 wauakaoaraxaatboastW Our piltocuratt wilts Cartor-a LitUa Urer 31 sra vt araall ao rr mst ia inke.
Onaortwopinasiakaaclaaa. ltiey ara atriotly egtbla and do ao frtj pttrpflk bQby UatejsmUaaotioa plaiaaaU a-M 1 CARTER KTEOIOINt NaW York: jail sI4 (b. Si.PRINGEY, i 1 i I i 1 1 BSEP I STREET; EAST OF CHvBCIf. lip Mr i i i- 1 a-sHM" 1 1 ni rot water; 1 1 ill l'loitlar 133X31- X' Tr Zjy, "TIM il 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 IaC i.V Mil a i il uM Ill .11 t-- I 5.4 I II IT 1 It tla it ton id ISaMfl rt -v r--v lit ft -t I i- til I I HAvldiriwrcbaUa tie bam lately odcupid- IK rLA wL rvJ'r yr; ij i Xe bytde (Say or weeK. ana gwara nee areioi i-v It- il F' 1 itarit 1 it il 1 it of mo ing DEAN, M.
if and si'Konovj loe -ott -i Cook. Wfitnr Hanki. i Hfcldentt a weal TftlrU Tiepliobet-UiUCC Mi M. ROBERTSON, I Taiivs Eye," Eatt. A.
i JiiKMsnnil t.iftueovcr udnuii fr-ary ntorrt lioursV 11, t.to 3. I YENT1ST lOltlie nn Second MrtHt-t. over ltik. MaTA f.Va irwa Aene 'I I A KTISti (Office, at 51a 1J7 tEatrtt Secoii street, -orer stewrtf shoe, story. ROBERT McUTT, I) 3 Kta itrrr the TV Exprett XJ ifltce Eaat.Hecond Muscatine.
4 OIIN! TILLlK A BhlfiTANt STATU 'VETKRIJJ AUhr 8U at 3. Dotiv hertb'a firikr utoref K-H(len 4lEat Fifth traet-Miii- -nt4oK. Iowa, All calw rttvii iirninpt attc uon aigm or nay. i i f. ij j.
,1... li. j. wirrr rich a ax fii, 1. mmi 'i BURN, A rrpRVEYS ANDCOfN'SEtiOKS.
Won 1 -4 10411 t'ullertionM m-omirtlr niade arid rritjilted. (jibc, iM went necona utreeu CARSKADpAft, 1 i.S!uccci to Carakaclilan.) H. JjAVlfn. JA'E A TTORJiETS ANT) HOLICTTOKa -t itice 1b Hlate and federal Climrtsi Il Iowa Arenue. i Offl 1 1 MADDEN, A tTOR.VEY'AT Offlc ovk- Cook.
crwa. rtmctRRALb. 'atLavfetS "i i Not isotary U. J. FITZGERALD AW.
LOAN AND COIXKCTXOWOFFTCB. Jit Over tlarrrtiaon A Ca' Hank.vori. Irnra i Avttriue and Heconrt street, MuncatlneL low It a i i res'ErAND'CCVONSKtJOR ATI txnee owr I'MHtomw MuHcattnc, Lj i i i 1 IowaL R0SENJ3ERGER, A' TTORNEY AT LaW AND ABSTRAlcTER. Office 1 Iowa Avenue, Micaunei II B. (C.
KIOHJlAS. I i Late Circuit Judge. it. a. ri IHMAN, Atto t.
UCHMAN SON, A' TTORXEVS ANDil CODNSELORi At nreAtmeiH of ftiml and Kl he I ttk- inent of estatcfc specialties. loir a Avt-nue, riTCS. iForxaetlf Klc ltman Tlttia.) "i I JACKSON, i UWYER3 INVESTORS- Drt JLJ I eral Lav. Rtal and jLoanbnsioeis. i I Money inveiite4i without) charge.
Offlde, 18 Jo-a Avenn. lt loor uth or Cook. MIua-t 4 SOCIETY DIRECTOR A.F. TTAWKEYiE JlDOE'NTO. an, meets ori 1 I TuexUay before foil moon.
fits' A. 8i Lawrkscb. W. M4 1. MlKWiOTXb r- i At XT I 11 'f WfASHlSftTOK CHITKR NO.
R. A. if r-. Lattdcnrt)ratio Frlrtsiy tiefore ffall nKin. Ai W.
iiJIWKKNCE. M. Jtt. ill uhas. M.uiuDK, Becrary.
i i 1 KNIGHTS -TEMPLAR tifi-MOUV rjtMAND.ERY NO. 1 -LfJ Kenular CoiM.lav VVeilntiiday afte till ciao. b. ja Recorder, ift! A. ii i Thurmlav erenlnff at A.
Ci.t i tialll Second street. Brethren In nod tan ni are coruitmy invitni meet wiid H. S. Howr Recorder Esoku Fiaancltit C5, A. R.
C5H1ELBY JSORMAN lMSTNO. S31 at Ol. iO. AJ K. hall.
-criier Hecrmd treet akid ATen-ue. va the ilrkl ani third Tuetii 1, ot each at All visiting rada.H invited to meet with uh. -i 1 J.i i- iOUH. Cotnnandjerl 1 tlRIAM I.OIXJE NOj lr. 0.
of R.me4M JALi the aeoond and fourth Friday evenhj 1JKARIE tJNCAHPMEnT NO. meets lm JL 1lrst anil third Friday at 70 o'clock. LODGE NO. meet tjvdrf ii i Monday evening fi at tneix naau tKNIGHTS' OF! PYTHIAS. TtYOMINr, tjntKSE, Not K.
of every at So'lo4fc, at KVhler- halL lecnndl street. iKnlptiOBn TtoodBtanditiecoraiaiifuhritea toiattenri. I ill i 'I l'At'I- 3T1KINM1CTZ. (J. if 4 II.
S. How. SC of B. and 1 WiOFI A II 106. of the Mide-l rVlj WtxHtmtrioC Amtfirica, hold tbeir reiluj iTu-efflav evenlTiK of eajrl veel.
I Tn no. ftrcfcst K. O.j Ti M'. "if WET Flt Thursda-vlin ttie mom ii mi 1 i it o. o.
Fi.aaiL Kecond and (Thefc wot iilrpftw fclii Kt-Commanherl i Xi M. Btntxo; Uedord Keewr CITY lAlSTD COUNTY WSJ jl.i.TOAL'AM Asociaitn meet on tht fit ttnj ithlrd Wlnewtay rt warn puintn at ie t.i vHali. '1 C. HAC'KEH, Preidfc0tt i Eatcw. secretary UttlKS trv fir.
PitH. lA from Iari. Franrei. KtablishW Hll urmw in iiitw; nit irrenlHrlueB and Moiitlilv rpra.ncfineDt. A reUaWe monthly pieRi- i'tWi i'1' throe boxes, AmertcaB 111 f4j i Koran jiroimeiirr i ruiesej puis umi It maiL i Kepprt wholeaata Stid agrcitt4.
Muscatine, towa. Incorporation Notice, 1 VoTir-K 1 hereby gien that at lncurrxiratlon itt the Mi the ariirltH i-icatlnfe Obt Meal Oirrtniovi of MMaUn. towa, ha Jeeu changel and amended so aslo autrtorlf thd cmtan tajncreane Itt capital Biuifk to the tmi of Hreh hundreds ana ftfly thoiiad aar and soiat to aathorfcaeie rtmnanv to ehtabiJsh bratn-lieifc milK etc. In elMYorlt. MaachosetjmjritlnoiACalJfc(rnfa, am-a thr Htmes.
s. o. htkin, treiant K. p. SAWmctt, Secretary 1 Iowa.
JJeceflioer HVb, e4k 1 1 11 1 1 I 1 1 1 I kn.id lv eafm- r-ieti sand We i urnlh the caiiital 1 i i i. toniis farts that will own tour eTtai A lee '9Al line of 5goodi ami honest men wantI a tnetn tn ana country. oo wait? Address, at oave.JP, O. Bo-jt 6-ib, incinnatt. Uht.
1 h-' A S.MAS HEALTH GIFT Jrjterclset ComolatBtS) Tolt: Fur' Ao Ideal Comftkmoa so cents. Ht-aiih hlretisrt M.BI DOWD'S Vfieal Pfcys, -uhot aepooi. Monroe Sti.Cas. Tna BOILERS amo sHtrr hon worn, (ION WORKSi i i r-1 1 -ittf i sojsaz7i Barllnftoa, I vi: 4. 1S81, ii at at SlustJJne, Iowa.
a t--Bd-ciM tnattet a DaiLf JCtt'HSiL, bf 15 ctn. per week? JotMAi tetTT rnoaj -j per year llnarance.i si 4- Secretary AirtB rth, ji he Boar Ba Iroad Commiiisioners, has jriveaj notllrvjthaton the jfrwl iaf the office the1, 0 mmUsioit nat, IX-if MoliU a hearing. ill be li; id In an actiiji i toi compel rtocVls Und. rail! roaf oi earry pas 5 freight tratrj; was it4 rustom util a few mojriid affo. It wa the' or let of the CorbtiutsionerB freight trainij carrying pasbeniera kd dlatnlstf theni latdeuot xlatfionris thatt brought abouM the change, the; jroad claiming that an atcomrdodation to the, traveling publli.j All pirtiel interested in tbl dn are requeued to appear bet- queB fore jtjiet board onj the abofe date or coinomnicate -with ttJiem on the lertJ I i i t' paseee lower house! of Congress hais arresolutioii an in Testjdation into the silver pool and as I 1 i.
.1 aM AAA AAA 000 drth of loose plher ndwi on the Let tne lflrestieawon go on tj hit BomeptKli no what party the speculators belone to, or Cpnaressman to speculate tn the price Bilvef and to lefeistate 6n the subject at the same time Iff as crixa inaf aif be should take an open bri1e. Ailment of I of Uautprnia, is cancer oi tne stomacc, an it is said that bis recovery is in prab; iblej Should tie die would be 8ucb edeo by a Kepublic in, whicjh wilj I ej a Republica The term for which Senator Hearst! -was elettJea does not empire tilll8fX AQuesrior OF WAGES, The) ITjtl Point la IGbremof Bole Atf (itnniD-niia Momieay wwrn vrajrea i. on thjFarm Sldux City Journal: 1 Thd speech of Governor Boiep in New Vork is a suir irestloh of rce i tirade i nuroose that every man who Works for wages ought to Bonder wellL iLfeavinir out all aues- tion bf the facts dr preteided facts whicjh; the Governor cited and indorsed that' speech his fundamental argument Is leveU dead ait the heart of the laboring I 'I Thje Governor that on a basis of fl8.50 'without. any alliance for the capital invested In, the land, the acti al cost of, raising: coipjbas been B7 cents morje per acre; than) the market price during each of thej East Ave jreani and tht 'fwhat is true jof com In Iowa is equally trne ait ipe exeat: staples raie. on on her 1 Ml lies' ahi fartrisl', -f 1 1 father Governor Boies rurhfnt, which thje Democratic press aa (made suca Haste to jmaorse in rfcallv that the Price of labor, in Iowa during the 1 past live years has been too msrn, we conwaerea outer un poriant itemiof the cost of pruducing' corh than thit of labor.
lie express iv epdcinoes toe tarmer'stnirestment-r- tbei land, the; tools, and aul that sort of ithingr. He narrows the question "hf idowni to the rwasres of labor, hd eSnience of ihis argument is that at per month corn dani be pro- uuucutu uaiy iauniiuea ui cents per. acre, I i I -t VV A- A MO. A Vi hia jargnment; whch is a narfof.the Tevfenue lonlt'' itbeorv. 1 cuts hinutel off fiqin the remetly by increasing the prices lot, corn ana ttaev product.
Th4tr he (tlaima, has been, ji, and wUI fS-iftri tti th mat-lrtH Af fth as annoueiCed by the Wf erhpool nuota-i tOn I 1 I I 1 i I 1 I r. It ppmes back thn toitlie sole rem edy of reducinir wajsres in Jowa below) per month, I That irfthe altern4 atlfe which) CJov. Boies offers to the! er8 suffeHne! sheet alnd certain' Ana-ttne reduction ox waffes1 be far bel dw the i present jfigurej tea i oy sre Kjovernqr oecause culation hai included no; allow-; for a. return on the farmer's in vital Point is thaa Governor Uoifcbi remedy does Involve a rednc tiori bf the wages, not i onfv of farm laborers, but also pf all otheir laborers. It is impossible to- reduce the waffea of laborJ on the farms with' out fatso reducing1 the wjtgs of labdrf in cftihet emplotment8.f Hvery 1 Intel- lif ctrit liborinsr man understands this: factl If labor were redudedvj on ithjei ill A IA i A.
A A i I throw a- more -r. labors to bid- down in other forms of employ I ttV'M 'i haaia! according to Governor IBbiesii hnr ossiblel to produce torn iri here i has been ai immense cut hefiHce of all labor beW the basii mso per tnontli. ere. is positiveSv no escape fro his conclusion if tihere: is a' narticl Of mtth in the) staiements Und in th funiiamental argu inent made by th tKivernor ami in nm now tiamout speeth at the Walt street barinuet.) I Ana uovernor jiwesiinene maae cne rep I traders argtment. He made aeuetnocratic aipnmentf.
The very 9sece oi war. argnment, Kne migni ayi lit very soul it had ai soiil, con in a reduction! of the wages mm. IOWA l'v Ml A fire in the Capital Gitv i Opera' niofii, in aBc utw Aioines, tunaay mostly to the; dry goods stock" ot -r it' T. I 1 1 ii voancan. i i Twl I w- ii utl ngton where liquors a re sold and ii estimated by a wril er tbe Hak eye that 100 per week 1 or f4ilwO -peri year iare orse than wastbd in these misery-making, death Mi Prior rtiltlancftr! I i 1 I jTifc.
L. "-Cj-ifaJ ITl.u Ttl a. 1 1 I' ,4 VilftA X. OWUl, JVC-Mr ICBiUJCIlt thefSwift Specific Co-, lAtljan.t4, die? )ec, 20. Company announce that being Incorporated kinder the laibf the State of Georgia, the sad blow it hey have auetjained the, death vice-presyent, I will not cause anys change In the name oraisturb the current et their business, Newspaper workers frequently have write ine wrongs oi oxner, CNontaieridable Claims not consistent with the oft Pigs are thef Gai.
tig it trentiv 1 on thelkidneys, liver and bowels, cleans ae system, efrecltuiaUy, but it i is notla cure-an ana makes no preten- siona that every bottle will not sub-1 ate. 1 1 Kntercjl, is all I hi i llivtaaaaiaiaa ipaaaat. ElY'ii'cji(rWtiiWL i IllMWttlM, BMl I Bm.ll. Cn MTARfV XorCold Head, i i I ttCVvwA 1 i i I i i tr I) I. costs, I novv offer fo a lime only preserit stock bf wag on 3, buggies, carts it Th is opportunity is for a short Don't tan, to ttike ad la I I yaotafre of it as trbeJh ghet i GGt 4 s- I--- -I TI AAF iff 1 5 illfell worst eaaea.
by.liiall to abyautlnyay Circa- tha want rsnvs. rtn by liktl to by ailflrvfay Circa- W1BH Win. Sawn, UX5 OorUaion IdaaT I fharaiacY. fri tat p- j-J on ICtall. -i tantSadSC -l-r- rrrr---rTt-rr rrrr -t 'T.
"SiNi -1 -I I i I r-; i I1 I'Hll aa. Advdrtise T6 a i i a i jit a. i i .1 I II If I'l'iTaraU ti if 2 1 1 II I laO RJ.Ss2N' rr- 7'J'i fJiijrrtsU vc i ii1 1 i-i -1 li: ii SJ-at -W 1. a i im i 1 I i I III! I -1 TV ApaaiBliMof rnfarmsltoa aiutah! I II mi 'it I i.vi il rvr7i i WRITE TO mm is, I P. WOWELL 6c iW? -i 1 I -Ji" 1 i' I 1 I i '-(.
1 II -i f-rr I AU, Pigb Character of Syrup 1 -i 1H NEW purposely avoided by YORk. ii'- I I fceje.iwK -I 1 I' Irl I WWriba I 1 1 11 jssm8 r--a i. t'lt- pit. m. 'i'i1' XTaMiaa, sV4- atMaffiisv :1 I 4 i I 1 ill i H'r I "i I 1 iii 1 i.